Thursday, August 13, 2009

ITC Teachers Prepare for Advanced and AP Courses

As the first class of students at the Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central (ITC) advance from 10th grade to 11th grade they have proven to be focused and very hard working. Our school's scores on state regents exams are significantly higher than those of the other four high schools. The staff at ITC feel honored to be able to guide the learning of such fine students. We also understand our students need rigorous and challenging courses to prepare them for success. To meet this demand teachers are spending their summer working with the Collage Board and regional Universities to develop advanced and accredited upper level courses. Here is what our staff has been working on:
  • Mr. Cosgrove had been working with the Collage Board on developing an Advance Placement World History Course.
  • Ms. Crawford had been working with the Collage Board on developing an Advance Placement Environmental Studies Course. She has also been working with AVID to develop programs to infuse power learning strategies into all classrooms.
  • Mr. Piraino has been working with Johns Hopkins University on our "Talent Development" program. He is also Working with the Collage Board to develop an Advanced Placement U.S. History course. This course will be offered this fall.
  • Mr. Kunnath has been working the the Collage Board to develop an Advanced Placement Statistics Course.
  • Ms. List had been working with the Georgia Tech. and Texas A & M to developing programming that brings Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) enrichment in to the school's curricula. He is also working with the College Board on developing an Advance Placement Chemistry and Physics courses.
Local collages, universities, and Technology Centered Institutions have increased their support of our schools programming. We are currently developing unique learning experiences for this school year with support from:
  • Syracuse University
  • LeMoyne College
  • Upstate University
  • Upstate Freshwater Institute

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